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Esders Pi NOTE mobile GIS client
LTE data package
Installation Esders Pi NOTE mobile GIS client
Annual maintenance fee per Esders Pi NOTE mobile client
Software for PressureLogger 4 PC1 V3
Software module for handheld measuring device
Installation Esders Pi NOTE mobile client additional workplace
User- and administration training location Esders GmbH
Esders Pi NOTE analysis client for up to 10 users
User- and administration training (online)
Esders Pi NOTE server installation for usage of analysis client
Software PC1 V3 GOLIATH
Annual maintenance fee Esders Pi NOTE analysis client up to 10 user
Setup Pi NOTE server per Esders Pi NOTE mobile client
Software module DruckTest memo/GT
Creation of customised test reports
Software Esders Device Online
Update of customised test reports
Esders Pi NOTE analysis client for up to 25 users
Annual maintenance fee Esders Pi NOTE analysis client up to 25 user
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